Reset iTerm2 Preferences to Default

I have been playing around settings in the iTerm2 preferences to customize according to my needs, instead of creating a new profile I have made the changes to default profile itself.

I want to reset all the changes I have made and start the fresh with default profile again.

Using below two commands, we can accomplish that.

cd ~/Library/Preferences/

defaults delete com.googlecode.iterm2

Once we execute above commands in the terminal we need to restart the iTerm application for the changes to take effect.

Download the iTerm2 from https://www.iterm2.com.

Shravan Kumar Kasagoni:

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  • THANK YOU! The `ls` command has been giving me staggered column out of alignment results, and I couldn't figure out HOW to fix it. Finally it occurred to me that maybe I could just delete whatever settings file iTerm had created...and then I found your post with instructions.

    Voila. My columns are lined up again. Now I can go back to the REAL tasks I was supposed to be doing. LOL

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